Our Executive

Bronwyn Hendry
Bronwyn has over 30 years in mental health, and more recently, alcohol and other drug services. Prior to joining Directions in 2013, Bronwyn was the Director Mental Health in the Northern Territory for 11 years, directly responsible for mental health policy, public mental health services and funding of non-government mental health services.
In her clinical roles she specialised in emergency psychiatry and her senior management roles have included Manager Top End Mental Health Service in the Northern Territory and Manager Country Mental Health in South Australia. She has extensive experience delivering services in urban, regional and remote areas, working in partnership with service providers and communities to develop innovative programs that better meet the needs of Aboriginal people and other vulnerable populations. She has a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing, Bachelor of Arts from UWA, has undertaken relevant studies at post graduate level and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Stephanie has over 13 years’ NFP and service delivery management experience in education, mental health, youth, family and alcohol and other drug settings.
Stephanie is a clinical psychotherapist who completed undergraduate studies at La Trobe University, Masters (clinical and research) at the Cairnmiller Psychology Institute, and MBA at Griffith University. Her post-graduate research considered service users’ experience of family violence support services.
Stephanie sits on several NGO boards and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Stephanie has a passion for developing and implementing equitable, accessible and client-centred services, building positive partnerships and workplace culture, and supporting staff to deliver empowering and respectful services.

Stephanie Stephens

Ram Naik
Ram joined Directions in July 2019 and is responsible for financial systems and processes.
In the early stages of his career, Ram worked in auditing and taxation for a number of large international conglomerates.
Ram has also worked as a Chartered Accountant in public practice and held leadership and management positions across government departments and not-for-profit organisations.
Ram is passionate about the not-for-profit sector and currently sits on the Board of a large not-for-profit in Canberra.
Sharon has a long and extensive career in the public service working in numerous leadership positions across public health program delivery, health emergency management service delivery, HR/corporate functions, strategic planning, governance, and public administration. Sharon also spent several years working as the General Manager HR at Aboriginal Hostels Limited prior to making a career change. Sharon moved across to the community sector in 2017 where she was the Executive Director, Corporate of a large for-purpose community organisation.
In January 2023, Sharon joined Directions as the Executive Director, HR & Operations and is currently the Deputy President of a large not-for-profit organisation in Canberra. Sharon has a Graduate Diploma in Business Management, a Master of Public Administration and undertaken other relevant studies at post graduate level.

Sharon Flanigan