CanTEST Health & Drug Checking Service

CanTEST Health & Drug Checking Service

The CanTEST Health and Drug Checking Service, also known as pill testing, is a free and confidential health and harm reduction service. You can access the service to discuss any health needs you may have with a nurse, and/or have your pills or drugs tested.

CanTEST is a completely free service, delivered by Directions Health Services in partnership with CAHMA and Pill Testing Australia, funded by ACT Health.

Where and when can I have my pills/drugs tested?

CanTEST is open every Thursday from 3:00pm – 6:00pm
and every Friday from 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Ground Floor, inside the City Community Health Centre
1 Moore Street, Canberra City ACT 2600

How long does it take?

Testing can be as quick as 20 minutes, but may take longer depending on the substance and testing method being used.

What kind of drugs can be tested?

Pills, capsules, powders, crystals, liquids and blotters can all be tested.
CanTEST may not be able to test some things, like plant material, formulated steroids or dilute solutions.

Why pill testing?

Illicit drug composition is varied and highly unpredictable. Makers of illicit drugs often combine them with other substances, or substitute drugs that are more dangerous. CanTEST can assist with chemical analysis of your pill or drug and help you to make a more informed decision about whether you still want to take the drug and how you manage the risks.

CanTEST, like other similar drug checking and pill testing services, operates on a harm reduction basis only. Illicit drugs are inherently unsafe and testing can’t certify that you won’t suffer an adverse reaction by taking them. Every individual responds differently.

How does it work?

CanTEST is a strictly confidential service. If you’d like your pills or drugs tested, when you arrive you’ll be asked to sign a waiver that states that you understand the limitations of testing and that no drug consumption is safe. ID won’t be requested by CanTEST, and no information regarding the services you have used at CanTEST will be linked to the waiver. All other information is de-identified.

If you would like a drug to be tested, you will need to provide a very small scraping/sample of the pill or drug (as little as a few mg) to our chemical analysts to put through the testing equipment. Once the testing is complete, the service staff at CanTEST will provide you with information about the results and discuss the risks that you may face if you consume the substances found, as well as any other concerns you may have.

You don’t need to have drugs tested to visit CanTEST. If you would only like to see the nurse about a health concern, you won’t need to sign a waiver. All information about your health will be strictly confidential and stored securely, in line with the requirements for health records.

Drug checking is not enough alone.

Have a chat with one of CanTEST’s health professionals or peer educators.
This will enable you to make more informed decisions about your health.

Community Notices

18 May 2024 | N-Pyrrolidino Protonitazene found in brown powder sample
19 April 2024 | High dose found in MDMA sample
12 April 2024 | High dose MDMA and dimethylpentylone found in ‘MDMA’ sample
12 March 2024 | Methamphetamine found in counterfeit diet pill
17 February 2024 | 4-fluoroamphetamine & 25C-NBOMe found in ‘2C-B’ sample
16 February 2024 | High dose found in MDMA sample
30 January 2024 | 4-CMC found in ‘MDMA’ sample
23 January 2024 | MFPVP found in ‘dipentylone’ sample

3 November 2023 | High dose found in MDMA sample
25 October 2023 | Mescalin found in ‘Ritalin’ sample
12 September 2023 | Bromonordiazepam found in ‘Xanax’ sample
15 May 2023 | Drug cocktail ‘Tusi’ found in ‘2C-B’ sample
12 March 2023 | 4-fluoroamphetamine & 25C-NBOMe found in ‘2C-B’ sample
7 March 2023 | 3-HO-PCP found in ‘ketamine’ sample

31 December 2022 | Metonitazene found in ‘oxycodone’ samples
20 September 2022 | 2′-fluoro-2-oxo-PCE found in ‘ketamine’ samples
7 September 2022 | Dimethylpentylone found in ‘MDMA’ sample


Monthly Summaries

Interested in seeing a snapshot summary of what we’re finding?

First Year
21 JUL 2022 – 12 AUG 2022 Results Snapshot | Month 1
13 AUG 2022 – 20 SEP 2022 Results Snapshot | Month 2
21 SEP 2022 – 20 OCT 2022 Results Snapshot | Month 3
21 OCT 2022 – 20 NOV 2022 Results Snapshot | Month 4
21 NOV 2022 – 20 DEC 2022 Results Snapshot | Month 5
21 DEC 2022 – 20 JAN 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 6
21 JAN 2023 – 20 FEB 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 7
21 FEB 2023 – 20 MAR 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 8
21 MAR 2023 – 20 APR 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 9
21 APR 2023 – 20 MAY 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 10
21 MAY 2023 – 20 JUN 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 11
21 JUN 2023 – 20 JUL 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 12

Second Year
21 JUL 2023 – 20 AUG 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 13
21 AUG 2023 – 20 SEP 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 14 
21 SEP 2023 – 20 OCT 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 15
21 OCT 2023 – 20 NOV 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 16
21 NOV 2023 – 20 DEC 2023 Results Snapshot | Month 17
21 DEC 2023 – 20 JAN 2024 Results Snapshot | Month 18
21 JAN 2024 – 20 FEB 2024 Results Snapshot | Month 19
21 FEB 2024 – 20 MAR 2024 Results Snapshot | Month 20
21 MAR 2024 – 20 APR 2024 Results Snapshot | Month 21

Program Evaluations

The CanTEST Health & Drug Checking Service trial has been independently evaluated by the Australian National University.
CanTEST Health and Drug Checking Service Program Evaluation: Interim Report
CanTEST Health and Drug Checking Service Program Evaluation: Final Report

Have a question?

Contact us at 02 6132 4800 (Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm) or at [email protected] or visit us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (@CanTESTCBR)

Media enquiries

Contact us at 02 6132 4800 or [email protected]